Hemp is good choice for pets like it is good choice for humans. Because every kind of mammal has an endocannabinoid system.
Many people have already discovered hemp for pets. Folks have been using it to help their animal buddies as a supplement throughout the day.
Willie’s Rescue is made in the USA. From things grown in the USA. We use only natural organic ingredients, including broad spectrum hemp oil.
Every batch is tested, so that you know exactly what your best friend is getting. And that it will be just the same every time.
Most animals don’t know how to talk, but they know how to say thank you in a hundred other ways. And they will.

Willie’s Rescue
Gives Back
For decades, Willie and Annie Nelson have been involved in animal rescue and advocacy. In that spirit, Willie’s Rescue will donate a portion of every sale directly to community animal rescue groups.

A Note from Annie
& Willie
Animals have always been a part of our family. Some we’ve rescued, some we sought out, and some just wandered in. We love them all. They bring us so much joy. We believe every pet deserves a good home and every pet deserves somebody to love. That’s why we’re dedicating a part of each sale of Willie’s Rescue to local animal rescues. Most animal rescuers are volunteers, doing it out of love. They’re paying vet bills out of their own pockets. But still, they’re out there, all the time, helping people and animals who need each other to find one another. It’s beautiful. This is our way of saying thank you and keep up the good work.
Annie Nelson & Willie Nelson